Monday, November 18, 2013

Reading Response 11/18/2013

I enjoyed reading about the different ways to manipulate an image, such as through painting, using pins and hole punchers, or even a rock mounted on a wall. By adding different elements to a photograph, the image has potential to become something more. Darren Harvey-Regan's 'Phrase (a fragment), Fragment (a phrase)' was an example that I responded to. He mounted a rock on the wall above a photograph of a rock, which he placed on the ground. The fact that the rock can be see in different angles and in different lights puts it on a pedestal that may not be seen if it were in its natural setting. I like the idea of taking an object and giving it a new life. I appreciate the juxtaposition and after reading this article I hope to think of ways I can use a similar approach in how I install my final project.

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